Language of Others

The bank is like a mini-America, as it is a melting pot of different cultures and nationalities. The bank was where people came to not only invest their money into, but also get money from the bank. Their hard work would have been rewarded at the bank, as it kept people’s money safe. Being able to see this firsthand, Naya knew that the bank was a special place. The bank was where your dreams could literally be cashed in. The bank amazed Naya, as it was where everyone was there in service of one another and they all had something in common, they had all made it. Made it far enough to have a bank account to call their own. Being the case, when Nayafirst walked into the bank, she knew that her parents had finally made it and settled into America. 

Naya’s family needed money to pay for rent for the month, and they had to go to the bank to fetch said money. It had been a few months in the United States now, as her and her family were finally getting settled into the lifestyle that was America. She was about to go to school for the first time and she was nervous about it. Being the youngest in her family, she had a lot to live up to to make enough money to sustain not only her family in the future but also her family now. But as of now, she was going to a place she had never gone before, the bank. 

When she first went into the bank, it was like any other day. Her parents had finally made enough money and were going to deposit it towards a banking account, as it was the safest way to keep their money. Not only that but they were also getting the money to pay for rent as it was due the next day.  The bank was a bustling and busy place, as Naya stayed close to her parents to not get lost with the crowd. When they waited in line, Naya noticed so many people of so many cultures and backgrounds, that she was in amazement that the bank could have such a crowd. Being from a household that’s one nationality that just moved into America, she used to only seeing Koreans, and Asians to that extent, but here, at the bank, she was able to see so many unique people, all with distinct culture and backgrounds. 
