Final Blog Post

Irene Nzita
Adrienne Oliver
December 10,2018
Blog post 

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There is a broad aspect of knowledge that I have gained concerning migration. For instance, my understanding of migration was based on their identity which is based on various social constructions. Through extensive research, I realized that identity is a process that encompasses interactions and not other views of social categorization and biological identities. As such, I learned that migrants are identified with their imperfect language speaking who needs to undergo certain levels of integration and change in an attempt to attain the desired level of proficiency. I also understood the emotions of the migrants along with their experiences in the host countries and how they relate their language to other experiences such as business-related issues. For instance, one of the most discussed work-related challenges of the migrants is irregular employment in many host countries. Additionally, public policies are some of the challenges that were quoted to have impacted on migrant’s life in host countries. 
In my research, I used various research methods while conducting migration analysis. Biographical interviews were the most effective instruments that helped in the discovery of a long range of experiences and social processes of different migrants. The process involved conducting of interviews with an objective of understanding different principles of the interviewee and various action orientations. Analytical research using biographical interview helped in understanding the views of various migrants on the impact of irregular employment as they presented personal experiences. I could detect the similarity of their presentations as I developed new perspectives on the impact of policies on their lives.
My understanding of migration was further influenced by a group discussion with other members in the class. During the initial stage of the group, we embarked on developing interactive teamwork. There were various challenges as members were not familiar with each other and this caused insecurities as well as anxiety among members. However, I notice gradual ease of tension as we introduced ourselves, and every member became active in their group's assignments. Through inclusivity in decision making, rules and regulations were developed, and it was the responsibility of the elected leaders to ensure decorum and coordination in the group. Additionally, the group leaders assumed the role of communication on the various set activities and the day to day objectives of the group. 
In addition to my research, group discussions had significant contributions in improving my understanding of various areas of my research. For instance, we used to gather important ideas after discussions, and narrow them down while considering their contributions to the topic. In an attempt to develop quality research, we voted on the selected ideas from group members and ensured that every disagreement in the discussion was solved. After consensus, the key ideas were put in writing, and I used the same points in making improvements and corrections in my research. 
During my research and essay writing process, I encountered various challenges which were related to the selection of appropriate content and referencing skills, language skills, research and information management skills, along with text managing skills. However, my encounter with research skills foundations programs and professor’s guidelines had significant contributions to the improvement of my writing skills. The professor used to ask us various questions that required reflection on the various activities we had learned before we commenced on our assignments. Additionally, we were asked to identify the various benefits of these activities in the provision of a quality essay in migration. The most effective activities we engaged in understanding how to write different paragraphs in the essay, summarizing, integration of sources, and referencing. In my research assignments, I gained certain skills such as the ability to express different ideas clearly. Additionally, I learned how to develop a proper in-text citation along with formatting texts in different styles such as MLA, APA, and Chicago. Paraphrasing is among the major skills that have impacted on my academic writing, as students are required to synthesize information and express themselves in a different perspective from the source. Also, I am conversant with clear and logical presentation and organization of ideas. However, there is some improvement that needs to put especially in the selection of peer-reviewed sources and using the preferred articles in various fields.
The logic of the development of theory in the social sciences largely follows the logic of the development of social phenomena themselves. This fully applies to migration theory. Complicating the structure of migration flows, the development of temporary types of migration, the expansion of international migration of the population, its “interweaving” into the globalizing system of the world, the formation of stable migration flows between certain countries - all these phenomena set and set the task of researchers to explain them. Population migration is a multidimensional phenomenon, the causes, and consequences of which should be considered at the macro and micro levels and only in the context of other social, economic, demographic, and political processes. The decision on migration is always (unless it is a question of forced resettlement) taken at the micro level - at the level of the individual, family, household. However, the adoption of this decision is influenced by the many circumstances in which individuals, families, and households act. Similarly, the consequences of migration not only affect the direct participants in the movement process but also affect all the structures in which they existed before and after the act of migration, including the abandoned settlement and the country, the host society, the state of destination, and in a certain sense, established global economic relations. If migrations are massive, these interactions are especially noticeable. They can be modified - already under the influence of migration processes - and stimulate new waves of migration. 
Theoretical understanding of this complex system of interrelations is possible only on the basis of a systematic approach. Therefore, a systematic, integrated approach is the main methodological principle of studying migration. International migration and globalization are closely interconnected processes. Globalization is characterized by the establishment of strong economic, informational, political, cultural, and other ties between states, and it is these links that become the determining component of their future development. An important form of these relations is migration flows, that is, interstate movements of people, caused by objective unevenness of world economic development, inequality of economic conditions and opportunities in different countries, varying degrees of their involvement in the processes of modernization and globalization, and demands of the world labor market. Without globalization of the population, when more and more new masses of people were drawn into the labor and consumer markets, when new lands and natural resources were developed through migration flows, and finally, an increasing part of the world’s population acquired the necessary labor skills and became involved in the global planetary division labor, without all this, a modern production system would not have arisen, a principal feature of which is openness and complementarity.
Experiencing the deepest crisis, experiencing an extreme need, people believed that with hard work they could succeed in life, and picked up this idea. This indication was likewise supported by Rancis bill who said, "The American dream is still alive out there, and working hard will get a person there. One not necessarily requires an ivy education league to have plenty of money to a startup. It can be attained with an idea, determination, and hard work" (Rancic). This quote attests that attaining American dream requires perseverance and hard work. Every person might have oewn understanding of what the American Dream is, however, I guess every interpretation has a number of common traits. Every “version” of the American Dream strives for prosperous life in a peacfull and free country. However, the concept of the American Dream has lost its value and relevance in the modern world and may never restore its role in the US society since the new “Y” generation is not acquainted with it in any way. The idea that the concept of the American Dream should be referred to as the one of mythological nature originated in the minds of the ingenious politicians, artificially forced into application in terms of the American society and damned to fall into oblivion eventually without any valid reasons and sources for its sustention. At this point, the ability to value the American Dream might be more applicable to newly arrived immigrants. 
In conclusion, although some individuals feel that the American dream is unachievable, both the United States citizens and the settlers who are dedicated to their goals of achieving a better life because of hard work, having a desire for the dream and determination, might attain it. Migration stories challenge people to think about their identities, both as a nation and as individuals. Smith and Waite noted that each of the 21st-century migration events had a legitimate reason at its core; either escape from unrest or search for greener pastures (Smith and Waite). Irrespective of the cause, the journey is never easy. The experiences need to be shared as immigrants tell their stories, not muted. Silencing these migration stories create an ignorant generation to hardships of the sacrifices made to provide better lives. The 21st century brought with it a new cause of migration. Early humans had migrated in pure search for food; for modern humans, migrating might just be the line that decides life and death. Migration stories help people to understand when migration is voluntary, and at what extent migration is forced upon the migrant. Without these stories, the host community would see migrants as nothing short of intruders. Migrant stories tell more about the amazing abilities of human to accommodate and to adapt. At the same time, these stories might just be the answer to the question of integration; the absence of which the ultimate society remain ignorant of how they reached a perfect mix of cultures. Often, there are explained stories behind culture, food, clothing or even ornaments. Migration stories are, in fact, a memory of how a better society emerges and the hardship in overcoming cultural rejection.

Work Cited
Rancic, Bill. Brainy Quote. Bill Rancic Quotes. 2018, Accessed 7 Dec. 2018.

Smith, Kate, and Louise Waite. University of Huddersfield. New and enduring narratives of vulnerability: Rethinking stories about the figure of the refugee, 13 Jul. 2018, Accessed 7 Dec. 2018.
